Monday, October 22, 2012

Things calm down a bit.

Honestly there isn't much to write about. This will be about two weeks because very little has happened in two weeks. So the blog post will be from September 30th to October 14th.

What to say about these weeks. The first week I went to the pool again and went weight lifting. Things have started to settle down though. I didn't really do much but lay around the house, use my laptop, read, sleep, and generally be a lazy teenager. During the week my family was often out of the house for church related things. I am exempt from this because I'm not Catholic and I can't imagine anything more boring than sitting in a church when you don't believe in the religion and listening to a sermon in a language you don't understand. So thankfully I didn't have to go. Sunday my host parents wanted to take me hiking but it ended up raining so we didn't do anything but stay inside.

The next week was a little more interesting. I had gotten bored laying around the house so twice that week I stayed after school and walked around the city. The first time I went to the mall to pick up some things I needed and ended up getting a yo yo to kill the time as well. Since I have found out that I hate the yo yo I bought, but it still technically works so I bring it to school to kill time while I'm there. It ended up being kind of funny because most Polish people don't even really know what a yo yo is at my school so they think I brought it from America. This leaves them more surprised when I explain I found two different stores where you could buy decent yo yos in the mall. The other time I simply walked around the city center, explored a bit, and did nothing in particular. A lot of what I saw I had already seen.

Saturday I have come to find is my family's do-nothing day. So I usually sleep 'til noon and then lay around on Saturdays. Sunday my host father took me and my host brothers to a zoo. It was similar to zoos I saw in the US though it was in the middle of a forest rather than in the city. The only really curious thing I saw there were that some of the animals were loose and walking around the zoo. Before I saw the peacocks in their habitat I saw three of them walking around in front of the bird cages. Some of the animals were hard to take pictures of because the bars in front of them were thick, so not all my pictures turned out too well. Still I was fun, though I think my host brothers had a little more fun than me. Zoos are more for little kids than teenagers afterall.

I haven't put the pictures from this time into my comp yet. So when I do I'll add them. And I haven't forgotten about adding pictures from Warsaw, but I'm still too lazy to spent the two hours needed to find pictures. So I'll post them when I get around to it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

First Week With My New Host Family

Once again I’m sorry for taking so long to get another post in. Honestly it isn’t always the first thing I think about and it also isn’t always the most fun thing to. But I feel I owe it to you all so I’m going to try and catch up to where I currently am. So far I’m about 3 weeks behind. Without further ado I’ll tell you about the week from September 24th to the 29th.

I should start by talking about my new host family. I have two younger brothers, one is 14 and the other is 10. They have both their parents, which is actually rather normal in Poland from what I can gather. My host dad works at the post office doing something I don’t really understand, and my host mother is a stay at home mom. Since I’m at school most of the day I’m not always sure what she does while we’re all away. And the biggest fact about them is that they don’t speak almost any English. This is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing because my Polish is improving a lot faster than before because I use it whenever possible. If I speak in English I often just get “Ok” which is kind of like when I smile and nod when people speak to me in Polish. On the other hand, if it is any kind of complex question or conversation we have to go on Google Translate and hope that it doesn’t mess up the understanding, or I just have no clue what is going on.

 My youngest host brother is very intelligent, he is very good at playing the piano already and his normal hobbies are doing projects on different cultures around the world. His English is amazing considering the fact that he is only 10. My other host brother is my “official babysitter” since he is the only one who speaks a fair bit of English in the house. This kind of annoys me because I don’t like a middle schooler telling me what to do all the time, and his lack of language skills makes him sound arrogant most of the time even though I know this isn’t the case. At the same time he is very nice, and doesn’t sound at all arrogant when speaking in Polish, I just rarely know what he is saying. He is a huge fan of Legos and Star Wars (the animated Clone Wars ones. I’m not even sure if the kids have seen the real movies). My host mom cooks a lot and is always doing some kind of house work it seems. Poland sometimes reminds me of America in the 1920’s with how my host mothers have acted. Still she is very nice. I don’t see much of my host father because he works from dawn till dusk and he speaks absolutely no English. It is awkward talking to him, and he teaches me random Polish words that I’d almost never use so I end up forgetting them 2 minutes after he tells me.

Now onto the things I did this week. All in all it was a pretty interesting week. Monday was entirely uneventful. My oldest host brother’s middle school is across the street from my high school so he escorted me to school and picked me up after, taking me straight home. Honestly that is as exciting as it got Moday. Tuesday was exactly the same except for after school my host mother took my host brothers and me to the pool fairly close to our house. The pool itself was boring compared to the river as all pools have been to me for years. Also the hot tub was like the hot tub from the GCU tournament last year (that was for wrestlers, it just means the water was barely warm, kind of like a glass of tap water left outside in Arizona for twenty minutes). But the fun parts were the sauna I found, which my youngest host brother only lasted about 2 minutes in, and the waterslide which I went down and broke just about every rule they wrote about the thing….I think, I didn’t understand what the rule board said. Wednesday I finally got to work out for the first time in 4 months, though I also came to respect just how good the weight room in Parker is. Sadly I have to be careful when I work out because I have no spotter and everything is in kilos so I don’t know how much to use on everything. Still it felt good working out after so long. I’ll skip to Friday from here because I want to save the best for last. So Friday was pretty normal though in PE we finally hit the weight room even though all we did was max bench. Honestly it was pretty funny, even after only having one work out I still out benched all but one of them by 20 kilos. Also, apparently Sunday is "Men's Day" or something (my classmates translated the best they could for me) so Friday all of the girls stood up during our first class and gave us all these little bags of homemade cookies with a hand drawn card and message on the back. They were even nice enough to translate my message into English for me. I though it was really cute all in all, plus the cookies were good.

Finally Thursday, I had been warned the day before that there would be some students from other countries visiting our school because a few of my classmates would be hosting the students. They had some presentations on Thursday that were in several languages including English so I got permission to skip classes and go to the presentations with them. I didn’t know this until after, but I’m extremely lucky to have got to do this. There were several presentations but you could only sign up for one of them. I just signed up to the one my classmate went to (the host siblings went with the other exchange students to the presentations, partly for translation). This turned out to be a meeting with a Holocaust survivor and an insurgent from the Warsaw Uprising, which is why he was in the concentration camp. Honestly it is one thing to read about the events in a history book, watch someone on a video, or any of the other ways we’ve heard about the Holocaust, but it is an entirely different matter to shake hands with and hear the firsthand story of someone who went through that hell while he is sitting across the table from you. I got to see patches from his uniform in the camps as well as several drawings done by an artist in the camp (he went to great lengths to get the paper to draw) and heard stories about the cruel things down in the camps.

Though I don’t like being lighthearted after saying something serious, after that we had a lunch break. I took this time to talk to the British people I who were in the school during this time. I’ve now come to the opinion I don’t like British people. (I know I shouldn’t characterize a whole country, but since they are the only British people I’ve met, I can only form my opinion around them. Similar to the way people forming their opinion of Americans after meeting me here.) After talking for a few minutes the conversation ended up turning to how I don’t speak English correctly because I call things trashcans instead of “rubbish bins” and how I’m a warmongering psychopath because my family owns weapons. Luckily for the UK later I talked to their teacher and he was much nicer and less snobbish, so some of my opinion of the race was saved.

And lastly I’ll skip to Sunday, because I did absolutely nothing but sit on my butt or sleep on Saturday. My host family decided to try and entertain me by taking me to a few places near Krakow. The first was a large cave that was pretty cool, and luckily this time I didn’t hit my head on the roof. I’ll show some pictures of that in a moment. After that we went to this very pretty area that had an old castle, which had a museum inside. By the time we were done though I was pretty worn out, and I was tired of my host father’s Polish lessons so I pretended to sleep on the ride home.
Now I’m sure after reading all of this you’ll be happy to hear that the next couple entries will be much shorter than this one. Or maybe you’re thinking “shut up and get to the pictures already”.

 The Holocaust Survivor

Part of His ^ Uniform
The P shows what he was in the camp for

My cookies from "Men's Day"

The Entrance to the Cave

The Castle

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Warsaw Meeting

Well in my quest to catch up to where I am now, I'm going to tell everyone about my fairly recent trip to Warsaw. This was during the week of the 17th to the 23rd. Monday through Friday I'm just gonna skip over, as they were fairly uneventful rather than learning a bit of Polish, and getting invited to go hiking in the mountains with my classmates, which I was forced to turn down because it was at the same time as going to Warsaw, though I wish I could have done both. Still, on Friday I skipped school and got on a train to Warsaw.

Anyway, for the third time I've taken a train now, though this was definitely the worst. Since we didn't get on the train fast enough (meaning we weren't in front of a door when the train stopped) we were forced to find a place to sit other than an actual seat. But by the time we found this out even the cart that only had people sitting on the floor along the walls was full so we were forced to sit in a big bunch in front of the door. Lucky me, I got to sit with my back against the door, getting pushed to the side whenever it opened and curling into a ball every time someone wanted to walk in or out the door, so about every ten minutes. Coupling that with the fact that I sat on a metal floor for three hours straight made this a miserable train ride. But still, when we got there I got to see a lot of my friends from Polish Language Camp, so we spent several hours greeting eachother. When everyone was finally there we went to our hostel, not hotel but a hostel. The difference between the two is you rent a room in a hotel, in a hostel you rent a bed and if someone you don't know rents a bed in the same room. We were lucky because Rotary rented all the beds in each of the rooms for us, but it was still from 8 to 12 people in a room. The rooms were really nice though, all had some kind of theme. I ended up in the horror themed room though I didn't sleep under the painting of the devil or under the painting of the girl from The Ring, so I was good. I decided to name the room New Mexico though because of the ten people in the room only three weren't Mexican. After this we basically just partied in the hostel for half the night, enjoying eachothers company and basically acting like teenagers. Needless to say we were stupid and went to sleep late, something we regretted when we had to get up early in the morning.

The next day was the day when we got everything done. So it was a pretty packed day. First we got on a bus and got a tour of Warsaw, driving past a lot of well known places and hearing about the city's history, even if the history was only a few decades ago, something rare for Poland. Most of it was about the Warsaw Uprising, when the Nazis held the city and the city of Warsaw fought back. This ended with Hitler leveling the city, only 13 buildings were left standing. The reason Warsaw isn't a very historic place is actually because all of the history there was destroyed and the city had to be built new. (On another note, Krakow and Warsaw are like Parker and Wickenburg. Those from Krakow think Warsaw is horrible because it has no history and is all modern and efficient so they think it is ugly. On the other hand people from Warsaw view Krakow as old and run down without having much to do in the city. I personally like both cities, they each have their own unique qualities but I've decided not to mention this to my classmates. That'd be like going to Parker High in a Wickenburg school shirt during Spirit Week.)

We spent several hours at the Warsaw Uprising museum, which I thought had a similar feel to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. It seems Hitler's atrocities inspired a few very nice museums. After this we went on another bus tour of Warsaw and stopped briefly at several monuments. We saw the Polish version of the White House, and then we went back to the hostel for a few minutes to get our Rotary blazers and head to the orientation.

We started it by making every student introduce ourselves in Polish. A lot of the kids did a very good job, though introductions were something all of us knew well, and though it makes up the largest amount of my comprehensible Polish I have yet had need to introduce myself. When I meet people others are always quick to explain who and what I am for me. When I got passed the microphone though I choked and made a couple mistakes. After feeling like an idiot I sat bad down. After that we got a speech on the rules of being an exchange student, most of which were half common sense and half things that rarely happen. Finally we got to the thing that excited most of us, information about the EuroTour. This is the trip we take toward the end of our exchange that takes us around the whole continent of Europe. We were all a little disappointed as well as excited after the presentation. While it looked like something that would be a shame to miss, a month going through and seeing several of the most well known countries in Europe, we were all sad at the fact that Italy was pretty much skipped over. I guess we complained a little too loudly because at the end of the meeting the asked if we'd like to use the program that they did last year which went to different countries, but saw most of Italy. This made us all happier, and I've seen the new program since and I really can't wait.

After this we finished the night by going to a part of Warsaw and getting some free time. I spent this shopping for pins for my blazer with some friends (I got some really nice ones.) and we even found a shop owner who spoke fluent Spanish. This didn't really interest me but one of our group was a Mexican and another was a Mexican-American so they were really excited, as was the shop owner. They ended up taking pictures together and getting his email. After this we went to get ice cream and got utterly lost. We finally found our group a half hour after we were supposed to meet and after that we went to the Dancing Fountain. This was a really cool water show that used lights and at some points they would use a mist to catch the light of a projector and by doing so they turned the water into a moving movie screen. I would put pictures of this, but a friend took a video of it and she agreed to send it to me so I'll put that on here as soon as I get it from her. After this we went back to the hostel and since I had caught a cold by standing out in the rain I went to bed early.

The next day was uneventful, we got up and then quickly left to catch our trains at the train station. I got to see a friend from Krakow who had gone to the Coldplay concert the night before I came to Warsaw, someone I hadn't seen since the Language Camp. Then we loaded onto the train, I got the task of kicking the Polish people out of the seats assigned to us since "my English was the best" (not true considering we brought an extra American back with us.) and I also guess because I seem to look intimidating. So after about 20 minutes of convincing the people in our seats that they were in the wrong seats using broken Polish and English we sat down and headed home.

When I got back home I packed up. Because of some misunderstandings I had learned at the beginning of the week that I would be changing host families. So I had two hours to pack all of my worldly possessions (mostly clothes) and I met my new host family. My host mom talked to them for about an hour and then I left to go to my new home.

Now time for the pictures. Once again I managed to forget my camera though, so I have to steal pictures from other exchange students that were there.

And sorry if you are reading this now, it is late at night here (I'm 9 hours ahead of y'all in Arizona if you didn't remember) and my new host family only has internet in their kitchen. Considering I have to go through the room of my two little brothers to get to mine I try not to stay up too late so they won't be asleep when I do decide to retire to my rooms. Anyway I'll put up pictures tomorrow.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lakes of Mazury

Well, when it takes me several weeks to write a new blog post that means one of two things, I'm so busy doing amazing things in Poland that I don't really have time to write or I'm just being a lazy good for nothing and wasting my time. These last few weeks have been a mixture of both. I have got to do extraordinary things, but at the same time I have had several chances to write and have just goofed off instead. :P In either case, I have finally gotten down to it so I'll start where I left off, the week of September 10th through the 16th.

Now, like almost everyone my age around the world I spend the majority of my week simply going to school. Of course I've mentioned before that this is different for me because there is absolutely nothing for me to do in school. I don't mind it too much, I like lazing around throughout the school day. Though I should mention that there is one class that I have to work in, French Class. This teacher decided that since none of the other students understand French then I could learn with them. I was put in the lowest possible class, there are students at my school who are fluent in French in the upper classes. Language classes in Europe start a lot earlier and they actually teach you in hopes that you become fluent in the language, because since their countries are the same distance and size as some of our states, they go on vacations and things to other countries rather than just to another state. Anyway, the problem with me learning about French though is that half the time I can't figure out if she is talking in French or Polish during the class. Honestly I keep getting in trouble, but I've already given up trying in the class and now I spend it checking my wristwatch to see how much longer I have, and deciding if she is speaking to us in French or Polish. Also I have to buy my text book (Schools don't provide them for you in Europe. But they are a lot smaller and cheaper so it isn't too big of a deal.) but I have absolutely no idea where to buy this book.Though, besides French class, my days are almost all lazy and uneventful. After school I often am really sleeping and go take a nap. I've started to run for an hour every couple nights because I still haven't been able to find a sports club (I'm still trying to wrestle but it is beginning to look like I'll have a year off the mat.) and with the huge servings of food my family gives me I'm getting fatter. And since I refuse to end up like Nelson I shall find some way to exercise all this Polish food off.

Now for the fun stuff. This weekend skipped school Thursday and Friday because I spent 4 days in a part of Poland called Mazury, which is very far from Krakow. Mazury is where Poland's form of the "Great Lakes" are and it is absolutely beautiful. I probably won't write too much about it because this is one of those places you can't describe with words. Hopefully you can get a small glimpse at what I saw through the pictures. Though sadly I have to steal my fellow exchange students' because I have the bad habit of forgetting my camera.

But before that I'll explain a little of what we did. First I got to ride on a train for the first time. This actually isn't a big deal since I will be doing this every once in a while. In Poland if you want to go a decent distance you don't drive, you take a train. I found that they don't all look like Hogwarts, the first time was actually seats similar to a plane, though the second ride was a little booth with random people in it, just like I remember from Harry Potter. From here we got on a van-bus thingy and they drove a few hours to Mazury. Most of the people on the trip were Brazilian or Mexican so Portuguese or Spanish was the languages spoken most during this trip. I spent the bus ride asleep because I rarely knew what was being said.

That night we went and had "the best pierogis in Mazury" at least that was what Pawel claimed. They were very good, but honestly almost all pierogis are starting to taste the same, all of them are just very good. And them we got to the two cabins that we would be staying in. The first thing they did was ask two of the biggest guys to help move a couch bed upstairs, so me and a Brazilian, Iuri, headed over to the girls' cabins to help. After breaking the couch bed and figuring out that there was no way for it to fit through the door leading upstairs, we kind of left the broken bed where it wouldn't cause too much problems and someone could still sleep on it. Then we got back to our cabin and had last choice of best for our troubles. I ended up sleeping in the living room on the boys' couch bed, which wasn't the most warm or comfortable place to be. After all this they told us that we could have a little party and left us to do our own thing. We all went to sleep at about three in the morning and got up at 7 the next day.

The first thing I noticed was that I forgot a towel, so I had to get as dry as I could after my shower and then just go to breakfast wet. This was especially uncomfortable since it is about 40 degrees in Mazury at this time. After breakfast they got all of the guys together and we went to chop down a tree with the two axes we found. It was fun cutting down the tree, though I was blind in one eye most of the time thanks to a flying wood chip from the tree. We then had to carry the 20 foot tree down the road back to camp, which we got a lot of pictures of..... well everyone else did, I didn't have a camera. After making some of the only clothes I had dirty and covered in wet tree and mud we started cutting the tree into small logs for the campfire that night. This was fun, but it soon became clear that a few people could use the axes and others would take all day to cut the tree and would probably hurt someone. A few hours later we left to go explore the area.

We drove through some of the large towns that are around the lakes. The first thing we did was go to the Wolf's Lair (which is the translation from German to English). This was one of Hitler's most important bases during WWII. He had lived there for several months and there was even an assassination attempt on him by a German officer while he was there. It was cool, but it was supposed to be hidden in the trees and everything was mostly large broken cement buildings covered in moss because the Germans blew the whole place to bits when they left it. Then we saw a Bishop's Palace, an really big old castley building with a great view from the tower, and I had a weird "French hot dog". It was a hotdog put into a breadstick sleeve thingy. It didn't taste bad but Polish people use way too much ketchup, and it was just really weird to eat. After this we went to see an organ concert, one of those giant church pianos with the giant pipes that makes Baby Grand pianos look like a childs toy. This one was really cool because it was largely automated, some of the sounds coming from the angels decorating it shaking bells, or spinning wheels or whatever. After this a lot of us guys got cheap airsoft guns (though I really wanted to get one of the switchblade knives they sold. I love how some of the things that are illegal to own in the US are perfectly normal here.). Most of the guns were broken by the end of the night, but we did have fun shooting eachother and cussing in several languages when we were shot. Dinner that night was kielbasa or Polish sausage, and some weird stew thing they cooked in the camp fire we made. We would have made smores but the only marshmallows you can get in Poland are little bubble gum flavored ones and those are hard to find, plus they would be horrible for smores.

The next day we went to explore some of the other towns in Mazury. At one point we were being led somewhere and I was walking with a couple of the Mexicans and the Columbian kid. We got left behind and lost because they went nuts over seeing a duck (and it had nothing to do with them never seeing one before which is usually the reason exchange students go nuts when they see something. They all have them in their countries but they just seemed to love the duck...I named it Aflac.) When we called to tell them we had gone missing they told us that they were on a tight schedual so just to meet them back at the bus in an hour. So we went to a pizza place and had second breakfast. While we ate we found the group, and it turns out they had just gotten turned loose for freetime too. Since they didn't have as much time as us they couldn't get their own pizzas and went off to find different food. We then had some ice cream before loading onto the bus to head off to go on a cruise on the lakes. It was cool, the Rotary club of the town we were in took us on this big party boat and invited a bunch of teenagers from the Polish high school (I never learned what they had to do with Rotary but there was something.) A bunch of the guys thought it was really cool to meet an American so I spent the entire boat ride talking to them about random things. I was happy however to find out that one of them was a wrestler, mostly because I miss wrestling, I haven't found a club for it in Krakow yet. Wrestling isn't very popular in Poland, most people don't even know what it is. After that we were all pretty tire so we went back to the cabins and got to have another little party again, though this time half the people were outside dancing with the bus driver. (His name is Arthur, but you pronounce it like AR-TOO-ER). It was a fun night, and the next day we went home. But the kids from Krakow took a later train so we could stay in Warsaw and see it a bit. All we did was go to the mall and then had some munchies at the Hard Rock Cafe but it was still fun.

Now what you have all been waiting for, pictures of the Mazurian Lakes!

This is the view from the front of our cabins. And yes, that is me shooting the photographer with an airsoft gun, the only one that was still working.

 The view from inside one of the destroyed buildings of the Wolf's Lair. Most of them looked pretty similar to this.

This is the Bishop's Palace
 The duck that got us lost

The view of the lake we sailed on. It would be prettier if it hadn't been cloudy and rainy all day.
The church where we heard the organ concert.

The Organ