Honestly there isn't much to write about. This will be about two weeks because very little has happened in two weeks. So the blog post will be from September 30th to October 14th.
What to say about these weeks. The first week I went to the pool again and went weight lifting. Things have started to settle down though. I didn't really do much but lay around the house, use my laptop, read, sleep, and generally be a lazy teenager. During the week my family was often out of the house for church related things. I am exempt from this because I'm not Catholic and I can't imagine anything more boring than sitting in a church when you don't believe in the religion and listening to a sermon in a language you don't understand. So thankfully I didn't have to go. Sunday my host parents wanted to take me hiking but it ended up raining so we didn't do anything but stay inside.
The next week was a little more interesting. I had gotten bored laying around the house so twice that week I stayed after school and walked around the city. The first time I went to the mall to pick up some things I needed and ended up getting a yo yo to kill the time as well. Since I have found out that I hate the yo yo I bought, but it still technically works so I bring it to school to kill time while I'm there. It ended up being kind of funny because most Polish people don't even really know what a yo yo is at my school so they think I brought it from America. This leaves them more surprised when I explain I found two different stores where you could buy decent yo yos in the mall. The other time I simply walked around the city center, explored a bit, and did nothing in particular. A lot of what I saw I had already seen.
Saturday I have come to find is my family's do-nothing day. So I usually sleep 'til noon and then lay around on Saturdays. Sunday my host father took me and my host brothers to a zoo. It was similar to zoos I saw in the US though it was in the middle of a forest rather than in the city. The only really curious thing I saw there were that some of the animals were loose and walking around the zoo. Before I saw the peacocks in their habitat I saw three of them walking around in front of the bird cages. Some of the animals were hard to take pictures of because the bars in front of them were thick, so not all my pictures turned out too well. Still I was fun, though I think my host brothers had a little more fun than me. Zoos are more for little kids than teenagers afterall.
I haven't put the pictures from this time into my comp yet. So when I do I'll add them. And I haven't forgotten about adding pictures from Warsaw, but I'm still too lazy to spent the two hours needed to find pictures. So I'll post them when I get around to it.
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